Umrah Seminar 2014-15
On the Behalf of Mir Khalil ur Rehman Memorial Society (Jang Group of Newspaper) and by Meezab Group Umrah Seminar is going to be held on
14th November 2014 at 2:00 pm to 04:00 pm on the venue of Shahi Khema Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore. President of the Umrah Seminar Mr. Mujeeb ur Rehman will there to welcome all the guests of the Seminars. Muhammad Bin Hasham Al Hbash, Ahmad Bin Abdullah Talha and Mashaa Bin Ibrahim will be the special guest of the Sminar. Imtiaz ur Rehman Chaudhary, Shahid Mehmood Anwar and Suhail Waraich (GEO TV) should be the speaker of the Umrah Seminar 2014-15.