11th February 2014 was the starting date of the Okara Board 8th class Annual Examination 2014 and Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) complete the scheduling and facilitation tasks for Okara Board 8th class students brilliantly. Now its next aim to provide the Okara Board 8th class result 2014 to all those students who are waiting for their Okara Board 8th class result 2014, as soon as possible. Okara Board 8th class Final examination result should be here for all Okara Board students soon.

May be the exact date for PEC 8th class result 2014  Okara Board, should be 31st March 2014 on Monday or others. We will mentioned the PEC 8th class result 2014  Okara Board soon after latest announcements from Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). As mentioned that it is the expected date for PEC 8th class result 2014  Okara Board so we will mentioned the exact date as soon as possible.

Good news for the students of 8th class, Punjab board of secondary education is now going to announced the result of 8th class, keep visit our site we will provide it to you with out any problem, The result is now only few days away from the reach of 8th class Okara,s students, Stay with us and we will provide 8th class result to you very soon.