According to latest updates and information by Multan Board we came to know that Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) not yet announced the exact date for the Multan Board 8th class result 2014. It also came to know that Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) is try its best to provide the Multan Board 8th class result 2014 as soon as possible because student can continued their studies as 9th class soon. So Dear students don't waste your time in search of your Multan Board 8th class result 2014 just buy new books of 9th class and start your study.

May be PEC 8th class result 2014 Multan Board should be announced by the Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) on 31st March 2014 on Monday. The exact date for PEC 8th class result 2014 Multan Board should be mentioned soon.  We have been updated the exact date for the Multan 8th class result 2014 so you can get it easily from here.

For the latest update and information visit our VU forum, and get you result very soon from here, We provide this facility for the students of Multan, Get your BISE Multan 8th class 2014 result with out any problem from here, we will give you expect result whiten the given time of Punjab board, So don't you worry about your result keep visiting and stay up to date about your result.