Like all Punjab Examination Commission Boards, Mianwali Board also not yet announced the exact date for upcoming Annual examination result of 8th class 2014 because due to a large amount of students the checking process of the paper is taking a lot of time. So dear student be patient and polite in search of your Mianwali Board 8th class result 2014. We will mentioned the Mianwali Board 8th class result 2014 for you as soon as possible here exactly on 30st March 2014 on Monday at 09:00 AM.  Just keep visiting here for more details and updates related to Mianwali Board 8th class result 2014.

PEC 8th class result 2014 Mianwali Board should be mentioned by the all team of our forum for all Mianwali students exactly on mentioned date and time above. As mentioned above that 31st March 2014 on Monday so you can get your PEC 8th class result 2014 Mianwali Board exactly on given date and time so there is not any confirmation about the exact date yet so keep visiting here.

For the latest result of Mianwali board 8th class, just stay with us and be up to date about your result, This plate form is especially for the students of  Mianwali. We are soon provide it to you with best wishes, You just stay up to date for the BISE Mianwali 8th class result 2014, with out any problem we deliver it to you, This plate form is really help full for the student of Mianwali which are in 8th class they are waiting for the result