Private Jobs opportunity in Lahore
A Progressive NGO working for labour rights requires the services of following staff for a project title "Piloting an Intervention to Counter child Labour in one slum of Lahore" for a period of 28 Months based Ahmad Town (UC-39) are of Lahore. So We are inviting the applications forms for many vacant posts of Project Coordinator (1), Field Documentation Officer (2), Field Worker (8), Supervisor Teachers (4), Teachers (8), School Support Staff (4), Admin & Accounts Officer (1), Office Assistant (1).
Jobs in NGO Lahore
For Projecr Coordinator 5 yeras and for all other positions 3-4 years of experience require. Candidate must be of 21-35 years of age. Interested candidates can send their CVs to the following address not later than
18th November 2014.
Email Address:
Only Shortlisted candudates will be called for the interviews and no TA/DA will be admise for test and Interviews. Females are strongly Encourage to apply.