Board Universities Results admissions pakistan

Scholarships => Pakistan Scholarships => Topic started by: Arslan Ali on April 15, 2013, 12:56:44 PM

Title: Scholarship for PhD Studies under I T Endowment Fun at PIEAS
Post by: Arslan Ali on April 15, 2013, 12:56:44 PM
PIEAS offers limited number of PhD Scholarships, Funded from Information technology Endowment fund, in the following specifics areas:
A stipend of up to RS. 30,000 per month for three years extendable up to four years and full fee waiver. All Pakistani nationals with minimum qualification of MS (18 year education) in Electrical, Electronics, Computer, telecommunication, Mechatronics or MPhil in Laser Physics, Computer Science can apply. Candidates expecting completion of their degree requirements by September 05, 2013 may also apply...
Title: Re: Scholarship for PhD Studies under I T Endowment Fun at PIEAS
Post by: zahra tayyab on January 10, 2019, 02:30:42 PM
amazing thanks for sharing