PEC 5th class registration
Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) has been announced the schedule for registration of 5th class. Through some resources we came to know that Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) will conduct the 5th class Annual examinations from month of February for this purpose 5th Class registration will start from
24th November 2014 to onward till
13th December 2014. So all those candidates who want to attempt annual examination session of 5th class may apply for registration. Full details for submission the application forms for the 5th class Annual examination is given in Attached Picture Below
PEC 8th class registration
Like 5th class Punjab examination Commission also announced the full schedule for the 8th class annual examination held on February. Registration process is open from 24th November 2014 to 13th December 2014. So get register yourself now for the annual 8th class examination. All those students who wish to join the annual examination for the 8th class annual examination, Get the 8th class registration form to make your appearance confirm in upcoming annual 8th class examination start from February to onward.