Latest PHP Framework workshop 2014
Virtual University intends to offer free Workshop on Laravel – PHP Framework for currently enrolled students of 6th Semester onward. Workshop will be conducted by an Experienced Professional from Software Industry to provide in-depth knowledge of the Framework. Primarily Workshop is targeted for the students currently enrolled in Final Year Project but there is no such restriction.
Selection Criteria:i. Must have basic programming (OOP) and database skills.
ii. Good to have working knowledge of PHP
iii. To pass the Interview to be conducted by Professionals of VU-Software House. Interview will primarily covers topics mentioned in point (i).
Schedule of Workshop:Session -1: 06-Dec-2014 from 10:00am – 3 pm
Session -2: 13-Dec-2014 from 10:00am – 3 pm
Session -3: 03-Jan-2014 from 10:00am – 3 pm
Interested students can send email at ( before