The Government College of Commerce Jehlum, Punjab is inviting the applications for the admission in D.Com I (first shift remaining 150 Seats), D.Com I (Second shift remaining 50 Seats), B.Com I (first shift remaining 150 Seats), B.Com I (Second shift remaining 100 Seats). The Government College of Commerce Jehlum is fully affiliated with the government of Punjab and providing the best education services in Jehlum. So admissions are open in D.Com I (first shift remaining 150 Seats), D.Com I (Second shift remaining 50 Seats), B.Com I (first shift remaining 150 Seats), B.Com I (Second shift remaining 100 Seats). Apply now as soon as possible. Classes will start from September 2013. If you want to take admission in DCOM or Bcom part I then get the prospectus from the college office now.